Jessica Dames

Buying into American Idol:

I liked Henry Jenkin's argument in chapter three about the power of adertising, marketing, and fan communities when used in conjunction with corporations. Not only has the show "American Idol" set the tone for media conglormerates using clever marketing and advertising strategies to capture audience's and increase viewership, Now we have the brain child of an idea of "fan communities" which give the viewer a chance to call in, create "online communities" to vote, and let their voices be heard. This idea proved successful with numerous shows other than American idol such as "Dancing with the stars," "America's best dance crew," and "So you think you can dance." The way these types of shows operate is so intriguing to the corporations who woo them because they know that any platform where people can be loyal and committed to calling in votes every week, blogging about results, and creating a web of constant feedback based on the show, and outcomes they want in on! Its an excellent marketing/advertising tool that they don't have to work too hard on developing. I feel that a few reasons why these fan communities are becomming so successful for corporations is because people like to feel involved. As loyal viewers we want to be a part of something epic and being able to have our own word gives us a little more sense of power thus increasing our loyalty to the show.

Effective Blogging:

The blog that I presented  is called I visit this blog frequently and enjoy it's content because it does a great job of incorporating fashion, and business savvy tips for today's working pr practitioners. The blog is really multi faceted to me because I can get up to date fashion trends as well as stay in the loop of public relations being that it is my major, and career choice! features a team of contributors and aim toward a more commercial audience. For me I feel like the blog's target audience is more professional, business savvy women, (and men) in the public relations/marketing/advertising field. The visual layout of the blog is kind of "chic," professional, and sleek with minimal distractions. I love this blog not only because of the trendy style but also the content and the many links, articles, abd art it has in the content. Try it out!

Networking do's, and don'ts:

I do agree with the list of networking do’s and don’ts because networking involves sharing information with others to make connections, you have to have some type of discretion in doing that in today’s world of identity thieves, hackers, and people who prey on others personal information for their gain. I think to be able to properly connect with someone all you need is to give them the basics at first, and that only includes mainly your immediate contact info such as your name, e-mail, and telephone number. Giving your age, home address, and personal information like that can be too much and is not needed for a simple contact. I personally am not comfortable giving out too much of my information and only give what is needed because I was a victim of identity theft from a close friend so I have learned to not be as free with certain information. I also do not agree with the current measures employers go through today to “fact check” their employees. I think that with the exception of some jobs like working for the president, or another high power elected official, your employer should not be so nosey. I know they want to know who they are hiring, but checking a person’s Facebook, twitter, or personal blog is a bit intrusive. A simple background check and criminal history check should be all that is warranted.


  Although I will admit that I was a bit hesitant of joining twitter at first, I finally gave into the temptation and joined the social network almost 2 years ago. If I wanted to describe twitter to someone who does not use it I would tell them to use it mainly for networking purposes because that is the best way to get the whole “twitter experience.” I would also have to explain the twitter lingo and the way it works such as using @ to reply to a person, or “retweet” (RT) when you want to share another user’s tweet with your timeline, checking the “trending topics,” and using “hashtags.”
 I actually thought twitter was a little complicated at first because of the many different things to do on it. Now, since I am more twitter friendly I know the “ins and outs” so to speak. I tweet pretty frequently but have spurts of “non tweeting” moments when I just don’t have anything interesting to say. 
I also am beginning to notice that twitter is a popularity contest as in the prettiest face, funniest comedian, or most famous celebrity with the most followers gets the most action and followers. I follow about 500 people who are a good mix of celebs, activists, politicians, and people who can become future business prospects. I also network with bloggers, and other public relations professionals since that is my career goal after I graduate.
My main focus on twitter is making connections in the field of entertainment and pr. When you use twitter as a networking medium you really are making successful connections and does work for that. 
Follow me!

Building your own website:

HTML, C++, HTTP, and what else? Hmm... I see that as jhbjdlfbjbgjlbbhdgfhksb! When it comes to using this coded language to create a website it all sounds like foreign language to me. I would love for nothing more than to know what those codes meant, but I also have no desire to learn them! If I had to create my own website complete with code input I would definitely prefer a tool that is quick, and easy verse slow, and complex. In all actuality even though I am no Donald Trump, I would much rather prefer to beg, borrow, and steal the money that it would take to hire a fancy graphic website designer to do all the hard work for me and all I need to do is make the posts. Hey I know it sounds a bit lazy but I am no science major! And that’s exactly why IT majors, graphic design majors, and any other major in the computer world make so much hard cold cash.

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